Sunday, June 3, 2007

18. Preservatives

(salt, smoke, sun-dry/dehydrate, chemical, sugared, vacuum sealed, pickled, dry freeze, cryogenic, etc.)

Research Journals >
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK) >
IJTK Vol.7 [2008] >
IJTK Vol.7(2) [April 2008] >

Title: The effect of pyramids on preservation of milk


Gopinath, R K
Nagaraja, Prem Anand
Nagendra, H R


Subtle energy
Preservative capabilities

Issue Date: Apr-2008
Publisher: CSIR
IPC Code: Int. Cl.⁸: A01J 11.00, A23 C3/00


Pyramid has been variously studied for its mystical preservative, healing and curative effects. The power of the pyramids has been much talked about in Egypt and the great pyramids as the wonders of the world. They are mentioned as çikhariëis and gopurams used in temples in Indian tradition. It is associated with Chakras and the elevation of the human mind to the super-consciousness levels. Although several studies have been undertaken on pyramids, much of their effects remain a mystery. In the study, attempt has been made as to scientifically analyze the preservative capability of the pyramids.

Pyramids made out of natural materials as wood and other synthetic materials as fiberglass have been used to understand the effect. The shape of the pyramids was square and octagon of different sizes. Milk kept under the pyramids for a period of 14 days was analyzed.

All the samples in the pyramids have shown various levels of inhibition of bacterial growth, compared with the control sample.

The samples in the wooden pyramids have shown the maximum preservative capability in comparison with the samples in the fiberglass pyramids. The samples in the octagon pyramid have shown better performance than that of square pyramids. The study could be the beginning of many more rigorous studies to establish the finding. All can imagine the tremendous implications of the study.

Page(s): 233-236
ISSN: 0972-5938
Source: IJTK Vol.7(2) [April 2008]

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1 comment:

Mark said...

Anhydrobiosis-inspired vaccine storage:

Current vaccines spoil easily without refrigeration, and 50 percent fail to reach patients because of a break in the “cold chain.”

The quest for thermally-stable storage led Bruce Rosner of Cambridge Biostability Ltd (UK) to study anhydrobiosis, the process by which organisms like tardigrades and resurrection ferns are able to remain in a long-term desiccated state.

These organisms replace the water in their cells with a protective sugar called trehelose.

By coating vaccines with trehelose and suspending them in vials of inert liquid, Biostability was able to create multi-valent vaccines which remain stable for years, despite freezing or high temperatures. Since the liquid formulations are anhydrous, they are inherently bacteriostatic, eliminating the need for antiseptics.

Cambridge Biostability has already stabilized vaccines for conjugate meningitis A, hepatitis B, and tetanus toxoid. They are now developing programs for measles, pentavalent childhood vaccines, heptavalent botulinum and anthrax vaccines.