Sunday, June 3, 2007

57. Money

(state-financial decisions about money and exchange are equally a commodity and infrastructural issue influenced by the materiality of the commodity in question and politics of choice; local currency strategies, rice, metals/coins/bullion, paper, checks, digital transfers, stones, shells, salt, cider, cigarettes, etc.])

Community Sponsored Conservation is the Financial Infrastructure in Namibia: John Kasaona: How poachers became caretakers, and created a sustainable financial framework
18:00 min.

John Kasaona is assistant director for the Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC), Kasaona works on ways to improve the lives of rural people in Namibia by involving them in the management of the lands they live on -- and the species that live there with them.

Kasanoa's Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) program helps rural villages set up communal conservancies, which manage and use local natural resources in a sustainable manner. Essentially, it's about restoring the balance of land and people to that of pre-colonial times, and allowing the people with the most interest in the survival of their environment to have control of it. His work was featured in the recent film Milking the Rhino.

"Our attitude is important. If we pretend to be concerned and helpful but still see the community next to a conservation area as a threat, conservation won't work."--John Kasanoa

--versus this other financial infrastructure as choice that is completely degradative?

G Edward Griffin, The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
42 min


Mark said...

Title: Social Movement as Private Currency: Already $20 mil. Liberty Silver & Gold in circulation

Date: 2007.02.24 06:10

Description: Some are are troy silver coin denominations of $2, $5, $10, $20, and $50 --- Silver or gold coins or accept silver backed certificates. Compared to the Fed money that is backed by nothing, it's far sounder a store of value currency. "NORFED – the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act – advocates the repeal of the Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913 and the Income Tax Act of 1913. It issues both the metallic Liberty Dollars and paper receipts it says are redeemable in precious metal." "The Liberty Dollar is a private currency embodied in minted metal pieces, gold & silver certificates, and electronic currency. It is distributed by Liberty Services (formerly NORFED), based in Evansville, Indiana. The company that mints and warehouses Liberty Dollars is Sunshine Mint in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. The Liberty Dollar was created by Bernard von NotHaus, the former operator of the Royal Hawaiian Mint Company."

Mark said...

fee based currency to local urban area
31.Oct.2006 14:33
wake up and take notice of Silvio Gesell

And it worked so well to reduce poverty and demote banker jurisdiction over the whole society that the Austrian central bank repressed it during the 1930s!!


****In 1890 Silvio Gesell formulated a theory of money as revolutionary as the notion that it is the Earth that circles the sun, rather than the other way around -- despite appearances. Gesell suggested securing the money flow by making money a governmental service subject to a use fee. Instead of paying interest to those who have more money than they need, people would pay a small fee if they kept money out of circulation. The fee would serve as an income to the government and reduce the amount of taxes needed to carry out public tasks."****

Gesell's ideas were tested by the mayor of Woergl, Austria in July 1932 when economic conditions were deplorable. The mayor proposed to substitute a local currency for the national currency. They were called work certificates and on the first of every month the holder had to affix a 1 percent stamp of the face value of the certificate. The "taxes" went into the community chest, to provide a relief fund for the invalids or elderly who were unable to work. Because of the stamp tax, taxes were paid quickly; accounts were settled without the usual delays, even the bank became eager to loan out the money, as fast as it received it.

The mayor was then able to embark upon his Public Works Program, "to alleviate want, give work and bread" which exceeded his highest hopes. The conditions of the streets of Woergl had been a standing joke of the surrounding country. In less than four months sewers and improvements were completed. Later, other streets were paved and streets outside of Woergl repaired.. Prosperity blossomed.

***A meeting of 200 Austrian mayors decided unanimously to follow the Woergl example*** in their impoverished communities. Then the private Austrian National Bank....

Read the rest below.

Reinventing Money, Restoring the Earth, Reweaving the Web of Life
by Carol Brouillet